Welcome to the Dads@CHS Event Registration Site

If you are looking to register for a Dads@CHS event, you’ve come to the right place.  Here, you can not only register for events, but also purchase tickets, see upcoming events, view information about past events, read our blog updates, and read the comments of past participants.

We hope you will enjoy using this new event registration system, but the system is new to us and we’re still trying to figure out all the features and functions.  We seek your understanding in this regard.

Dads@CHS is staffed by a small group of father volunteers with sons at Catholic High School Primary and Secondary.  Our purpose is to organize events that both encourage fathers to be more involved in their son’s development and enrich their son’s learning experience at Catholic High School.

Every year we organize fun and interesting events such as camping, fishing, and kayaking, as well as “Values in Action” events such as delivering food to the frail elderly and cleaning up a local beach.  If you believe in the value of these kinds of activities and can commit a little bit of your time helping us organize them, PLEASE JOIN US.

Thanks for visiting our site.