Mangrove Kayaking – 2019

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

There are no upcoming dates for this event.

For Primary 3 and above.

Prepare for a close encounter with WILD SINGAPORE!

For the adventurous fathers and sons who aren’t afraid to get off the beaten track and see something new.

Activity Plan :

  1.  08.00 – Meet at Changi Ferry Terminal
  2.  08.15 – Depart for Pulau Ubin by Ferry ($3/head one way – not included in activity price)
  3.  09.00 – Safety briefing by vendor
  4.  10.00 – Kayaking
  5.  12.30 – Debrief
  6.  13.30 – Lunch at restaurant (not included in activity price)
  7.  15.00 – Dismissed. Return to mainland via Ferry ($3/head)

Minimum Pax:

  • In order to make this event viable, we need a minimum of 10 pairs to sign up.
  • If the event is cancelled, refunds will be dispersed to those who paid

Attire :

  • Gentlemen Polo Shirt
  • Covered shoes are mandatory


  • This event will not be cancelled due to rain
  • You will be in tandem kayaks (father and son)
  • You WILL get wet.
  • Life jackets will be provided by the vendor
  • Swimming skill is not compulsory, but water confidence is. A floatation test will be done
  • Participants may encounter wildlife, so must be able to remain calm
  • Not recommended for students P2 and below

Items to bring :

  • towel
  • change of clothes
  • mosquito repellent
  • small waterproof bag for your belongings
  • …more to be shared later




30 Changi Ferry Rd,, Singapore, 499675


To get to Ubin, board a bumboat at Changi Point Ferry Terminal (daily, 5.30am-9pm). Boat fares are priced at $3/person for a single trip and each ride takes about 15 minutes.